5 Tips for Making the Move to Utah!
So you're moving to Utah? Congrats! Here are 5 tips to give you the smoothest transition possible!
#1 Research Surrounding Areas
You might know where you'll work, but where do you want to LIVE?? Do you want access to an immersion school? A quick commute? The city life? Mountains in your backyard? There are many different areas of Utah, with different amenities and quirks. Use our "Ultimate Guide to Utah Cities" to find which areas best suits your needs!
#2 Make Connections Before You Get There
Our main recommendation to help your moving transition would be to get onto Facebook! Facebook has so many great groups that bring like-minded people together. If you don't have friends or family in the area to hang out with, start with checking out general groups like Utah Fun Things To Do, Utah Concerts and Events, and SLC Activities and Events. From there, you'll find people who have the inside scoop on what's going on in your new hometown. And once you're there, you can start making plans to be where your people are.
#3 Be Optimistic!
There's a story that goes like this:
An old man was walking down a road outside his town, when he met a young man coming toward him.
The young man asked, "Are you from this town? What are the people like here?"
The old man asks, "What were the people in your previous town like?"
"They were horrible," says the young man.
"Then that's what you'll find here," replied the old man.
Blah blah blah...
There's more to the story, but TLDR; You get what you look for.
This goes for anywhere you decide to move, but KEEP AN OPEN MIND! Be ready to give people grace, smile, and invite. Just because you're new, doesn't mean you can't be the first to welcome someone over! If you look for opportunities to make friends, be a part of the community, and feel welcomed, that's exactly what you'll get!
#4 Say Goodbye
This might be a weird piece of advice to put on this list, but really take the time to say goodbye to your old life! Laugh, cry, yell "GOOD RIDDANCE!" or whatever you need to do to feel ready to move on. In the hectic, mad-dash to move out, it's easy to forget to get some closure. Prioritize small moments to reflect and feel peace about your time in your old house, neighborhood, and city. Because no matter your experience there, your life was shaped by that place, and it's good to recognize and honor that before you move on. This leaves a clean slate to start with when you get to your new home in Utah.
#5 Use Walk Me Through to find your new place!
What kind of company blog post would this be without some shameless self-promotion?! Of course we would love to help you find your new AMAZING apartment or home, but honestly, we can't recommend enough getting someone to see your place before you sign a new lease. If you are trying to rent sight-unseen, DON'T! WE. WILL. HELP. YOU. Rent with confidence, your representative is waiting to see your place for you!